For a given Newtonian dynamical system, the Lagrangian function is unique (up to a "total time derivative").


It is a point of supprise to many that there may be a number of NOT EQUIVALENT Lagrangians describing the same dynamical system. EXAMPLE: the 2-dimensional oscillator has these two different Lagrangians

L = 1/2 ( x12 + x22) - 1/2 ( v12 + v22)

L = 1/2 ( x12 - x22) - 1/2 ( v12 - v22)

The problem of existence and ambiguity of Lagrangian description is investigated as so-called the "inverse problem of variational calculus" since at least the 50s and is not resolved yet.

Hamilton (or Lagrange) equations are just alternative ways of writing the Newton's equations of motion.


The choice of a particular Lagrangian brings to the description of a system some superstructure, not present in the Newtonian equations of motion. But the meaning of this superstructure lies beyond classical mechanics...
Once you have determined forces of a dynamical system, you should be able --in principle-- to find its quantum description.


Between the Newtonian description of motion and its quantum description there is a Hamiltonian or Lagrangian ("No Lagrangian - no quantization!"). The choice of a particular Lagrangian (among many) determines the quantum picture of the system. The meaning of Lagrangian (or Hamiltonian) is rooted in the quantum nature of reality.
Maupertuis was a lunatic.


And this is why Maupertuis, commonly derided by his contemporaries for seeing in the principle of minimal action a divine elements was not entirely a lunatic. There is a (divinely guessed?) depth in bringing wave elements of optics into mechanics, as the quantum revolution showed 200 years later.
The difference between the Hamilton and the Lagrange equations of motion is that the Hamilton equations are first order while the Lagrange equations are second order.


This is a popular misconception. Clearly, both Lagrangian and Hamilton equations can be written as first-order equations of motion:
p(v) = dvL
p. = - dx L
  v = dp H
p(v). = - dxH
Hamiltonian equations live on cotangent bundle while Lagrange equations on a tangent bundle.


Another common misconception. You can have both equations defined on both (or any) manifolds. However, Hamilton's equations require a choice of an "observer" (trivialization of the fiber bundle of histories).
There is no Legendre transformation without a Lagrangian.


This is another misconception. Any dynamical system on a tangent space to a configuration space determines a map to the tangent space. Typical textbook-description of this map involves Lagrange function, which obfuscates a simple geometric nature of this map.
Hamilton-Jacobi equations concern canonical transformations.


The Hamilton-Jacobi equations are most often introduced (obscurely) as a result of "canonical transformation of coordinates." But in fact -- HJ equations concern existence of a Lagrangian submanifold in the phase space on which a "wave-phase" is determined. This is a "proto-Feynman" quantization of the system.
Hilbert's call to geometrize classical mechanics has found answer in terms of symplectic geometry.


There are many alternative geometric descriptions beyond Lagrange or Hamilton's equations (symplectic geometry) that may be called "analytic description of motion." Among these exciting new propositions are: Lax equations (on a Lie algebra), bi-Hamiltonian systems, Nambu mechanics, to mention some most popular. Each of them raises new problems about quantization rules, integrability, etc.


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